May 11, 2019 Attendees: Buzz Swett, Mike Lehman, Mark Schleeter, Larry Tschopp, Allen Byrne, Thomas Northway Meeting was called to order at 1:24 pm. The current slate of officers were re-elected. Motion by Buzz, second by Mark. Superintendent Mike Lehman Assistant Superintendent Larry Tschopp Chief Clerk/Pay Master Allen Byrne Mike re-appointed Buzz Swett and Mark Schleeter as Directors. Officer reports =============== Paymaster reports 216.25 in the Bank. Chief Clerk reported that the ITD blog could use a new theme that puts pictures first and encouraged members to post. Assistant Superintendent reported attending two regional meetings. The region is considering helping regions with funding. Larry has proposed implementing a youth program and has the steps for obtaining reimbursement from the region. He also has a some leads on obtaining car kits. Superintendent reported an increase in membership inquiry/interest, including a good response at the last Lincoln Square show. He intends to make an effort to post on the blog fequently. Mike has reported that the club previously handling the Lincoln Square show was pleased with ITDs help and has promised to the ITD a $500 startup investment once we have our checking account information. Mike will work with the IVD for the 2020 regional in Peoria, at which some ITD members will provide staffing help. Mike is researching organization issues that will work best for our two division objectives; NMRA goals and the Lincoln Square train show. New Business ============ Organizational structure; There was discussion on corporation status - which Allen informed that the original state incorporation was never continued past the original application and listing. Allen mentioned that if we choose to be an unincorprated association we should change our name in the bylaws to remove "inc". Buzz made a motion to gather information necessary to register with the state of Illinois. This sparked discussion on who should be responsible and that we should consider issues for a 501c3 application in the future. It was noted that an application for 501c3 would require changes to mission statement that would be suitable to both the State of Illinois and the IRS. A deadline for documents on a Mission Statement and Operational Statements was set for the June meeting. Larry offered to prepare a proposal for the membership. Allen was tasked to provide a summary of all recent emails on the subject. Buzz revised his motion to state; form a committee to pursue State of Illinois registration. Passed. Allen motioned that the monthly public op sessions should start with a 1/2 hour members clinic. Buzz seconded. Passed. Mike motioned that the annual train show should be clearl stated along with the monthly meeting schedule on the website and other communications. Mark second. Passed. Mike motioned to have logo on shirts, color lime green and yellow, with a pocket. Larry second. Passed. Larry motioned to buy an ITD stamp. Buzz second. Passed. Larry motioned to have the youth activity page on the website on brochures. Mike second. Passed. Allen motioned to continue offering $100 to travelling layouts for the train show, those approved by the show committee. Mark second. Passed. Larry made a motion to make a proposal to the region for purchasing car kits for the youth activities. Buzz second. Passed. Larry made a motion to adjourn. Buzz second. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. Minutes as recorded by Allen Byrne. Buzz moved to close the meeting, seconded by Mark Meeting closed at 3:12 pm.