2025 Model Train Show
Lincoln Square
100 West High St
Urbana, Illinois
March 29-30, 2025
Free Admission
- Show Flyer
- Half Page Show Flyer
- Vendor or Layout Application
- Send forms to: PO Box 83, Allerton, IL 61810
"Make and Take" Activity
- For more information visit: Outreach Activities
Operating Layouts
- model train sets, locomotives and cars
- track and switches
- electronic equipment to operate the trains and accessories
- model semi-trucks and trailers, pickup trucks and cars
- kits for building structures and houses
- scenery materials to build the scenic landscape along the railroad
- railroad related photographs and books
- For information on participating: Vendor InquiryUnder Construction
Information Booths
- The NMRA booth has information about model railroading
Historical Groups
- Monticello Railroad Museum
- Illinois Traction Society
- Danville Chapter of National Railroad Historical Society
- Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Historical Society
- Champaign, Havana and Western Railroad Historical Society
can provide information about the history of railroads located in central Illinois
3rd Annual Urbana Free-Mo Open (UFO)
- Starting at noon on Saturday. Join the host Free-Mo group, the illustrious Illini Railroad Club, other local Free-Mo enthusiasts and folks like you as we seek to fill up a 150’ x 40’ hall with freemo modules and operations!
- Saturday Free-Mo hours: noon to 8pm Sunday hours: 9am to 4pm Registration is free!
Register to win a Free-Mo Module
- Once again we will be building and giving away a portable train module. This year it will be built to Free-Mo standards! You too can join the UFO - Annual Urbana Free-Mo Open
Modelers of all ages are invited to construct a Model Railroad Car which is compatible with the Brio Wooden Track System. Model Train Cars include a steam locomotive, locomotive tender, gondola, boxcar, tank car, and caboose. Selection is limited to availability during the “Lincoln Square Train Show.” NMRA Illinois Terminal Division Instructors will be available to assist with construction of the model. Participants under the age of 18 are required to be accompanied by an adult during construction. Participation in the activity is free. However, donations used to support the activity are accepted.
Enjoy the Train Show featuring operating layouts in G, HO, and N scales including a layout where the public can make the train move as it switches cars on the layout.
The Train Show features numerous vendors selling new and used items in G, O, HO, and N scales.
The Venue has free parking and is wheel chair accessible.
Refreshments are available at three locations on site
- Hilton's Hotel Royer should be open
- Common Ground food Cooperative deli located on the east side through the diagonal hallway located near the east entrance.
- Cloud Mountain Kombucha serves beverages only
Refreshments are available off site
- Baldarotta’s Porketta & Sicilian Sausage will deliver
Brought to you by
The Illinois Terminal Division
of the National Model RR Association
For information, contact Mike Lehman